We are all familiar with romantic love and parental love but what is self-love and how do you love your self? Self-love is not about being self-absorbed or narcissistic. It is about reconnecting with the true essence of who you are. Self-love is fully accepting and allowing your true, natural self to shine through. It is to embrace the unique being you are and fully express that unique energy which represents the very essence of your being. Know Yourself
The first step to self-love is to know yourself. Many of us spent our lives trying to understand our loved ones but how often do we take time to discover the depths of ourselves? Some of us grow up being the person our parents or spouse wants us to be that we don’t even know who we are anymore. Start asking yourself why you feel an emotion in a given situation, why you behave in a certain manner with a specific someone and what you can do to make yourself happy? Stop trying to be the person someone else expects you to be. Step out of your comfort zone Step outside of your comfort zone and try something new! It’s only when you open new doors that new energy and blessing arrive. It’s incredible the feeling we get when we experience something we didn’t know or achieve something we didn’t think we could do before. About half of my group sound healing sessions are people who are experiencing it for the first time and there are always a handful of people who are new to Ashtanga at my yoga classes each time! Unplug Take time to calm your mind each day. Free yourself from a constant state of reactivity to your devices and tune inwards with a daily practice that works for you. It can be tuning in to your deep inhales and exhales, tuning in to your favourite music or visiting sound baths which is a great way to “tune in” to yourself and quiet your mind. Eat healthy Choose food and drink that nourishes your body and makes it thrive. Comments are closed.