Letting go. These 2 words we hear a lot of and many of us know we need to let go of the past yet it often creeps in at the best moments of our lives to remind us of misery and pain. We often feel as if we took a step ahead, only to find ourselves two steps back because we cannot or will not let go. ContactAccepting what is
Accepting what is and let go of what was. You cannot change the past regardless of the number of times you re-live those moments in your mind. Align with the "Isness" of Now. You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. Leave the past where it belongs and focus your energy on activities that nourishes your soul. Start a ritual and stick to it, be it meditation, yoga practice or sound healing. Soul-searching One of the hardest things is to be brutally honest with oneself. It is easier to trick ourselves and find excuses for our behaviour. You can hide it from the world at large, but you cannot hide it from yourself. Soul-searching is important so that you can identify the cause of your pain and nobody else can do this except yourself. Trust in the Universe Have faith in what will be! When you are going through something that is painful, you do not see the future blessings that it will bring. Trust that you are guided by the Universe. To you who is reading this article, for whatever reason that you are holding on to the past so dearly, tell yourself that it’s time you let go, it’s time you make peace with your past and move forward. Comments are closed.